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Our Members

Name: Dirk or Ulfrikr (Yes folks can have a couple of names, their usual name, and one that they might choose to better represent the type of person that they are portraying in their presentation. There is no requirement to do this, and different groups have different philosophies about this. For our purposes, folks can use either their usual name, or another name where for example they wish to keep their usual name at arms length due to work or other requirements.)

Position in the Club: Treasurer

History within re-enactment: Started re-enactment in 2005

Historical area of Intrest: Icelandic Commonwealth 930 to 1262, also other states that would have had connection to Iceland, being modern Norway, Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, Faroe Islands, as well as Ireland and Engand.

Intrests within re-enactment: Old Norse Language and Culture, Re-enactment Combat, Historical Cooking and Foodstuffs.